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Business Partner Code of Conduct

Our customers, partners, employees and shareholders can count on FutureLog[1] and its subsidiaries (hereinafter FutureLog) to act responsibly, with integrity and always in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in all its business activities. We expect the same commitment from our suppliers, service providers, agents, consultants and any other business partners (hereafter Business Partners). 

This Business Partner Code of Conduct (hereafter CoC) applies to all Business Partners and contains the legal and ethical standards with which all Business Partners must fully comply when conducting business with FutureLog. The compliance with the following provisions is essential for a continued and well-functioning working relationship.

[1] “FutureLog“ within the meaning of this Business Partner Code of Conduct describes the Mövenpick Holding AG – Segment FutureLog as well as all subsidiaries of the latter.

Compliance with Laws, Rules and Legal Regulations

The Business Partner will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in the countries, in which it operates and will maintain suitable measures to ensure compliance with such laws, rules and regulations.

Fair Competition

The Business Partner will strictly comply with all applicable antitrust laws, trade practice laws and any other competition laws. The Business Partner will not enter into agreements with competitors or engage in other acts that may unfairly impact competition, including, but not limited to, price fixing or market allocations.

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery

FutureLog does not tolerate any form of corruption. Thus, the Business Partner will comply with applicable laws and regulations concerning corruption and bribery, including those concerning foreign corrupt practices. The Business Partner will neither engage in nor tolerate any form of corruption, bribery, theft, embezzlement or extortion or the use of illegal payments, including any payment or other benefit to any individual or company for the purpose of influencing a decision in violation of applicable laws.

Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing 

FutureLog requires its Business Partners to comply with all applicable regulations and restrictions in the areas of terrorist financing and sanctions as well as all applicable national and international trade and anti-money laundering laws. Any suspicions of money laundering, such as payment irregularities or suspicious customer behaviour, must be reported using the processes that have been set up for this purpose.

Export and Import Regulations

The Business Partner will comply with all applicable import and export control laws, including, without limitation, sanctions, embargoes and other laws, regulations, government orders and policies controlling the transmission or shipment of goods, software, technology, services and payments.

Conflict of Interest

FutureLog’s employees are expected to act in the best interest of FutureLog. Private interests and personal consideration must not affect any business decision. FutureLog and the Business Partner will avoid any activity or situation which may lead to a conflict of an employee’s private interest with a Business Partner and the business interest of FutureLog. The Business Partner will immediately notify FutureLog, should they become aware of a conflict of interest.

Information, Data & Property

Protection of Personal Data

The Business Partner will comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations and protect personal data against loss and alterations as well as unauthorized use, access and dissemination.


The Business Partner shall respect and protect the confidentiality of FutureLog’s business secrets and other confidential information. They shall protect entrusted data from unauthorized access, falsification, destruction and improper use by means of appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Intellectual Property

The Business Partner will protect FutureLog’s intellectual property and respect the intellectual property of third parties. Intellectual property includes, but is not limited to, development results, codes, repositories, drawings, patents, trademarks and other industrial property rights, copyrights, designs, trade secrets, samples, models and other know-how. In addition, no products may be delivered to FutureLog that infringe the intellectual property of third parties.


Cybersecurity is a top priority for FutureLog. It is crucial that the systems, networks, computers, programs and data of both our Business Partner and FutureLog are protected from harm and unauthorized access. The Business Partner shall therefore take appropriate cybersecurity measures.


Human Rights and Fair Labour Practices

FutureLog respects the personal dignity and rights of its employees and expects the same from its Business Partners. 

The Business Partner will neither practice nor tolerate any form of forced labour, modern slavery or child labour as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The Business Partner will not procure goods or services whose production or provision is associated with human trafficking, forced labour or child labour. The Business Partner will strictly comply with applicable labour laws, including laws on minimum wages, overtime pay and legal requirements on working hours. If there is no statutory minimum wage, the Business Partner will pay at least a living wage. 

The Business Partner shall respect their employees’ rights to freedom of association and shall also support FutureLog with compliance measures for laws designed to protect human rights.

Respect and Anti-Discrimination

The Business Partner shall act with respect and fairness. They shall not condone any harassment or inhumane treatment of their employees, including bullying, physical or psychological abuse, threats of violence, coercion or sexual exploitation. They shall also comply with all applicable anti-discrimination laws and promote the fair treatment of all (prospective) employees, the provision of equal employment opportunities and the prevention of discrimination against any person on the basis of gender, nationality, ethnic or social origin, religion, ideology, disability, health status, age, sexual orientation, identity or any other legally protected status.

Health and Safety

The Business Partner shall organize their working conditions in a way that protects the health and safety of their employees. This includes complying with all applicable laws, regulations and generally recognized standards on occupational health and safety. 

The Business Partner shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations as well as generally accepted and relevant standards on product quality and product safety.

Environmental and Climate Protection

The Business Partner shall operate its business in a safe and responsible manner, protect the environment and comply with applicable national and international regulations. The Business Partner shall use resources in a sustainable manner by reducing consumption of resources like energy, water, raw materials and supplies.

Compliance with Business Partner Code of Conduct

Compliance with this CoC is an essential condition of continued business relationship with FutureLog. FutureLog and the Business Partner may agree on remedial measures to correct any business misconduct stemming from a violation of this CoC, and these measures must be implemented by the Business Partner within a specified period of time. If the misconduct is not remedied, FutureLog may terminate the business relationship and any related contracts to the extent permitted by law. In the event of a serious violation by the Business Partner, FutureLog may terminate the business relationship immediately.

Grievance and Complaints Mechanism

The Business Partner and its respective employees as well as stakeholders and rights-holders in general are encouraged to report violations of this CoC to the FutureLog Integrity Hotline. Contact details will be available in due course. In the meantime, the violations can be reported via email to: compliance(at)

The Business Partner shall support any investigations into alleged violations. Additionally, in line with their own due diligence efforts, Business Partner should provide grievance/ complaints mechanisms or support respective sector or country specific non-judicial mechanisms. FutureLog hereby confirms that we share, respect and adhere to and apply the Business Code values as stated in the above Business Partner Code of Conduct.