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Employee Code of Conduct

A Message from the CEO

At FutureLog[1], we are committed to upholding the highest ethical and professional standards while delivering our services to our customers and working with our partners. Our reputation is built on trust, responsibility, and excellence. 

This Code of Conduct serves as a guiding framework to ensure that our values and principles are consistently upheld in all aspects of our operations and sets out our overarching expectations for the appropriate conduct of all employees.

You should ensure you understand the Code of Conduct, including your personal responsibilities with regard to conduct and ensure that our principles guide all that you do in your role with FutureLog. 

Any employee who knows or suspects that conduct associated with FutureLog’s business is illegal, unethical or contrary to this Code of Conduct should report that conduct through the channels provided below. FutureLog will not tolerate any retaliation against any person who reports conduct that they know, or have reasonable grounds to suspect, or believe in good faith is in breach of this Code or who otherwise provides assistance in connection with a concern raised. 

Your unwavering commitment to this Code of Conduct is vital so that together we can protect FutureLog’s reputational asset. 

Frank Dierberger
Chief Executive Officer

[1] “FutureLog“ within the meaning of this Business Partner Code of Conduct describes the Mövenpick Holding AG – Segment FutureLog as well as all subsidiaries of the latter.

Our Expectations of You

At all times, you are expected to act in a professional, responsible and ethical manner with the utmost personal integrity. 

In carrying out your role with FutureLog you must: 

  1. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations
  2. Encourage fair competition
  3. Use information and data appropriately
  4. Ensure all financial information is accurate
  5. Use company resources responsibly
  6. Not engage in corruption or bribery
  7. Avoid personal conflicts of interest
  8. Contribute to a safe, respectful and inclusive workplace
  9. Comply with this Code of Conduct and any company policies
  10. Report inappropriate conduct

1. Comply with applicable Laws and Regulations

As a global company, we are committed to full compliance with all applicable local, national, and international laws. Non-compliance with legal obligations can result in serious consequences for both you and FutureLog, so please seek guidance whenever necessary to ensure adherence to all relevant laws and policies. If you have a question on which laws or regulations are relevant for your role at FutureLog or on the interpretation of such laws, you should speak with our legal counsel before taking any action.

2. Encourage Fair Competition

While it is acceptable to compete aggressively, you still must compete fairly and in accordance with all relevant competition (anti-trust) laws, which seek to protect and enhance competition. In general terms, these laws prohibit FutureLog from collaborating with competitors to restrain or reduce competition or business rivalry. A breach of these laws can give rise to serious consequences both for FutureLog and for all individuals involved, including in some circumstances, criminal penalties.

In dealing with FutureLog’s clients, suppliers, business partners and competitors you are expected to: 

  • avoid any discussions with competitors regarding, for example, pricing, rebates, clients, sales territories and terms of acquisition;
  • agree with a competitor to fix the price for particular services;
  • obtain any competitive advantage solely through legal and ethical means; 
  • discuss potential joint ventures or partnerships with competitors without legal approval; or 
  • be fair and honest; and 
  • agree with a competitor to ‘share the market’ by only dealing with certain clients; 
  • make commercial decisions for a proper purpose, for example, to improve service delivery efficiency or reduce costs (and not to damage our competitors). 
  • seek to damage the reputation of our competitors by making false or misleading comments about them; or 
  • mislead clients (or anyone else) by making deliberate misrepresentations about FutureLog. 

If you are concerned at any time about anything to do with fair competition, you should consult our legal counsel before taking any action.


3. Use Information and Data Appropriately 

Confidentiality and compliance with data protection regulations are critical to the ongoing success of our business and to our reputation as a trusted business partner. This applies to our own confidential information and personal data, our business partners’ and clients’ confidential information and personal data, as well as the personal information and data of our clients’ shareholders and customers.

You are therefore strictly prohibited from passing on any inside information about a company other than on a strictly need to know basis in connection with our business and only where the disclosure doesn’t breach any confidentiality obligations.

You must protect all confidential information, including proprietary, technical and financial information that belongs to FutureLog, its suppliers, business partners or its clients and fully comply with any applicable data protection regulations. 


  • ensure all confidential information in your possession is locked away and your computer is locked when you’re not at your desk; and 
  • use non-public information to gain any personal advantage (financial or otherwise) or any benefit for another person; or 
  • only provide confidential information to another FutureLog employee if they have a genuine need to know that information in connection with our business.
  • discuss something with another person who does not have a legitimate business reason for knowing that information. 


Furthermore, you must not take advantage of your position within FutureLog to obtain non-public information for personal use or any other benefit. 

Fraud is a wrongful or criminally deceptive act which is undertaken with an intention of obtaining a financial or personal gain. FutureLog will not accept any fraudulent act in our workplace, and is strongly committed to the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of fraudulent activity. You are expected to ensure that any suspicious or fraudulent activity of which you are aware is promptly reported. 


4. Ensure All Financial Information Is Accurate

It is critical that we ensure that financial information is accurate and not misleading in any way, so that FutureLog maintains credibility in the market and with its stakeholders. 

You are therefore expected to:


  • ensure that all financial matters, including any expenses incurred, are recorded accurately and in a timely manner; and 
  • undertake any ‘off the books’ transaction for any purpose whatsoever; or
  • immediately report any known or suspected financial inaccuracies to your manager or other appropriate individual. 
  • conceal or obscure in any way the true nature of any transaction or financial position, for example, by inflating sales results or misrepresenting the purpose of a payment made to a third party.

5. Use Company Resources And Property Responsibly 

FutureLog’s and our business partner’s and client’s resources, including software, hardware, financial assets, and intellectual property, must be used responsibly and solely for legitimate business purposes. 

You must ensure that these resources are not misused, wasted, or used for personal gain and take reasonable steps to prevent such actions. 

6. Do Not Engage in Corruption or Bribery 

FutureLog does not tolerate any form of corruption. Thus, you must at all times comply with applicable laws and regulations concerning corruption and bribery, including those concerning foreign corrupt practices. You are strictly prohibited to engage in any form of corruption, bribery, theft, embezzlement or extortion or the use of illegal payments, including any payment or other benefit to any individual or company for the purpose of influencing a decision in violation of applicable laws.

7. Avoid Personal Conflict of Interest

Occasionally you might find yourself in a situation where your personal relationships or interests compete with FutureLog’s business interests or those of a client. In performing your role, you are expected to make decisions which are in the best interests of FutureLog and not for personal gain or the benefit of someone else.  You must avoid any activities that could compromise, or be perceived as compromising, your ability to make an objective decision. 

If you do find yourself in a situation where you have a conflict of interest, you must disclose that conflict to your manager as soon as possible to ensure appropriate steps can be put in place to avoid any perception of favouritism.

8. Contribute to a Safe, Positive And Inclusive Workplace

We are committed to fostering a work environment that is inclusive, respectful, and free from discrimination or harassment. We expect you to treat every individual, regardless of race, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, health status or other protected characteristics, with respect, fairness and dignity. Harassment, bullying or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment, and all employees are responsible for ensuring that our operations are conducted safely.

You are expected to:

  • comply with all relevant safety rules and practices;
  • follow instructions concerning safe and efficient work practices;
  • advise your manager or a representative from Human Resources immediately if you see an unsafe or careless work practice or activity; and
  • in your interactions with your colleagues, clients, suppliers and business partners treat them with respect and fairness and be open, honest, direct and transparent.

9. Compliance With This Code of Conduct And Company Policies

We consider the principles captured in this Code of Conduct to be critical to our reputation and to the continued success of our business operations across the globe.

Any failure by you to comply with this Code of Conduct, or any other company policy, will be taken very seriously and may result in disciplinary action, which could include termination of employment.

10. Report Inappropriate Conduct

If you know, have reasonable grounds to suspect, or believe in good faith that an employee or other person associated with FutureLog’s business is acting unethically or otherwise in breach of this Code of Conduct, you should report that conduct to your manager, Human Resources or using our mailbox: compliance(at) If you do not feel comfortable with any of the abovementioned reporting options, you can always make a report anonymously using our Integrity Hotline. Contact details will be available in due course. 

FutureLog will not tolerate any retaliation against any person who reports conduct that they know, or have reasonable grounds to suspect, or believe in good faith is in breach of this Code of Conduct or who otherwise provides assistance in connection with a concern raised.